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Katy Girls Softball Association

Welcome to the Katy Girls Softball Association website! We are celebrating 43 years in the Katy Community!

We are an organization dedicated to supporting Katy and the surrounding areas girls in the sport of Fastpitch Softball.

Katy Girls Softball Association is a registered non-profit organization designed to promote an equal opportunity sporting program for girls of all ages and all experience levels. Our league divisions are divided between the Pixie (Ages 4-6), 8 & Under, 9 & Under, 10 & Under, 12 & Under, and 14/16+.

League softball consists of three programs: a Spring Season, a Summer Season, and a Fall Season. We also support the girls beyond the league by offering school scholarships and opportunities to perform community service.

Please join us for some exciting and rewarding fastpitch softball.


Welcome to Katy Girls Softball Association!